Rachel Maddow v. Joe Scarborough: A Template

I've inadvertently discovered the template for nearly every discussion between Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough about any issue:

Maddow: This [insert issue here] is stupid. We need to change it.
Scarborough: This is the way it is.
Maddow: I understand this is the way it is. It's stupid. We should change it to [insert amendment to issue here].
Scarborough: This is the way it is. If you were as smart and experienced as I am, you would know this is the way it is.
Maddow: I understand this is the way it is! But--
[insert interruption by debate moderator here, and begin banging head against wall]

Coincidentally, I think this template works for almost any conversation between a liberal and a conservative.

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Nothing New byslag at 3:07 PM

3 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):

WNG said...

Or for a lot of conversations between Papa Gand myself. It's why we drink when we're together :)

slag said...

wng: Frustrating isn't it? I understand.

psilocynic said...

That's exactly right. Progressives are for change and the Regressives are for maintaining the status quo. Change scares them. Their argument is always the same. "This is how it is. This is how it was for my father and for his father before him. This is how it was for me and this is how it will be for you. If you don't like it move to Canada."

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