Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape, "Terrorist Fist Jab" Saturday

The online controversy around a supposed video showing Michelle Obama ranting about "whitey" has been...well...tedious.

Luckily, John Cole has finally tracked down the tape for all to see. As he said, it's "not that shocking":

Neocons are now claiming that this "scandal" is bad for Barack Obama because people are willing to believe that a video exists. In other words, it's bad for Barack Obama that people can believe that neocons are slimy enough to take words out of context, put them together into a video, and use said video to proclaim that the black folks are, as always, out to get them (you know, typical "victimology 101"). And in reality, I agree that it's bad for Barack Obama that neocons are that stupid, mean, and easily frightened. But then, it's bad for the rest of us as well since we have to share a country with them and all.

For more fun and games, a Faux News moron had something unusual to say about the bump/pound/dap that Michelle initiated before Obama's speech on Tuesday (via atrios):

It is bad for Barack Obama that people are willing to believe that a video exists of he and Michelle making "a terrorist fist jab". In other words, it is bad for Barack Obama that neocons are slimy enough to take a moment of video, postulate absurdly ridiculous intent, and use said video to proclaim that the black folks are, as always, terrorists out to get them (you know, typical "victimology 101"). And in reality, I do think it's bad for Barack Obama that neocons are that stupid, mean, and easily frightened. But then, it's bad for the rest of us as well since we have to share a country with them and all.

But I repeat myself.

Honestly, there are times when I have very mixed feelings about my country. Somebody bring me a flag lapel pin! Stat!

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Nothing New byslag at 4:49 PM

3 dispense karmic justice! (or just comment here):

Gye Greene said...

Whoe! "Terrorist fist jab"? There's such a thing???

Kinda like the "Terrorist high-five"?


*Bert Convy said...

The idiots are not the Republicans but those who fall lockstep behind this reverse racist and his American hating wife.

Oh, this liar will probably get elected and then with an all democrap government from now on out it will all be your fault and GW's legacy as the best president this country has ever seen will be assured.

*Bert Convy

slag said...

GG: When Obama was sworn into the senate, instead of putting his hand on the bible, he gave a Hezbollah low five. (pass it on)

bert convy: Was that a comment or a parody of a comment? It's so hard to tell these days. Generally, rumor has it that when people comment on a blog post, they actually respond to an actual point made in said blog post (or at least some part of it). Also, no one talks about "reverse" racism anymore unless they're being ironic.

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